Executive Order Requirements
As required by Governor Doug Ducey’s Executive Order 2020-51, 2020-41 and 2020-44, schools must offer free on-site learning opportunities and support services beginning no later than August 17, 2020. These services include student supervision and strategic support for students in need during regular school hours.
Districts and Charters may adopt procedures to ensure that the number of students present for free on-site support services does not exceed the maximum number of students who can be present in a facility while maintaining appropriate physical distancing or other mitigation strategies. These procedures shall not limit the availability of, or result in a refusal to provide free on-site support services.
Districts and Charters must notify parents of the opportunities and support services and directly contact students in the free or reduced priced lunch meal program, students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and McKinney-Vento/Foster Care students.
ALP’s On-Site Learning Opportunities
In order to accommodate space, parents/guardians are asked to sign up online by Tuesday, August 11, via the Google form sent out in the newsletter or by emailing the office at admin@azlanguageprep.org. The on-site coordinator will contact parents/guardians after receipt.
On-site learning will be offered in-person at ALP during normal school hours (8-3). Each class will adhere to the ALP’s safety and mitigation measures and will maintain appropriate physical distancing. Students will work on their on-line classes here on site, however, students who require special services will have the opportunity to receive instruction from ESS staff while attending online classes.
- On-site student supervision for a limited number of students will be provided based on our school’s physical and staffing capacity.
- While students are on-site for supervision, they will be asked to social distance and are required to wear masks.
- Due to the size of our school and staffing, our on-site learning will be a multi-age grouping of students KG – 6th grade.
- On-site learning will be supervised by a support staff who will not be providing direct instruction to students, but merely supervising while students are each receiving their online instruction with their assigned classroom teachers.
- Students will have access to the same technology and curriculum resources as all other distance-learning students. However, students MUST be prepared and bring their school-issued laptop/device to the on-site learning program or they will not be able to stay.
- ALP will not have After School Program services during this time.
- The physical and staffing capacity will be reviewed every two weeks to assure that we are following appropriate physical distancing, supervision, or other mitigation strategies as well as opening space up for new students who may need the on-site service.
Students will be selected for participation based on the following priorities and qualifications:
- Students with an IEP or 504 accommodation plan
- Students qualifying under McKinney–Vento
- Students living in Foster Care
- Students with no safe place to go as verified by school Principal
- Students meeting the criteria for ELL
- Students meeting the criteria for free/reduced lunch
- Students whose parents are essential workers as verified by school Principal