Arizona State immunization law (ARS 15-803) states that all children must have up to date immunization records on file at school to be able to attend. Please review the Guide To Arizona Immunizations Required For School Entry Grades K-12 for specific information regarding required immunizations.
Verification for all immunizations must include the child’s name, birth date, type of vaccine, date of vaccine, and name of doctor/agency administering the vaccine. Records must be signed or stamped by the agency providing the immunizations. A previous school record is also acceptable (does not include preschools). The record must be provided before school starts or at the time of enrollment. Immunizations must be up-to-date in order to begin school. For additional information on where to get immunizations, you can visit the Maricopa County Department of Public Health’s website for Maricopa County Free Immunization Clinics.
Kindergarten Enrollment Immunization Requirements
Arizona Law requires that students entering Kindergarten have had the following vaccines:
- 5 doses of DTap, DTP, or DT
- 4 doses of Polio (IPV)
- 3 doses Hepatitis B
- 2 doses MMR
- 1 dose Varicella* (*2 doses recommended by the CDC for full protection)