Learning Pathways
What Learning Pathways are offered at Arizona Language Preparatory?
Effective 2/1/2021, ALP is only offering an in-person learning pathway.
Why is a Flex Model or Hybrid Learning not being used?
In order to be eligible for state funding, a Hybrid model, (for example where half of the students attend class 2 days per week and remain at home 2 days per week with online learning), requires our schools to be open to all students five days per week and resources available. This model brings its own set of challenges and would require us to have additional space and staffing to supervise and support the students who are not in class. Additionally, there is no strong evidence that rotational tracks of attendance mitigate COVID-19 exposures.
In-Person Learning Pathway
Will students be able to maintain social distancing in the classroom? If so, how will social distancing be managed in the classroom?
Based on our current enrollment numbers, our class size should provide sufficient distancing of students. Staff will educate and remind students regularly to maintain the appropriate social distancing between individuals when feasible. Students will be positioned in classrooms to face the same direction. Social distancing in all classrooms will remain a priority. When students and staff are not able to achieve social distancing recommendations, a facial covering will be required.
Will students receive recess? How will students maintain social distancing during non-classroom activities?
Yes. K-2 and 3-6 recess schedules will be staggered and monitored. Social distancing will be reinforced. Sites will identify specific areas that can be assigned to classroom use.
Face Coverings
Will my child be required to wear a facial covering while at school? If my child has special needs, will they be exempt from this requirement? How will this be enforced?
Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-51, all students, staff, and visitors are required to wear a face-covering any time they are on campus with the following exceptions:
- when on the playground while able to maintain a physical distance of at least six feet apart from others
- during assigned breaks where the face-covering may be safely removed.
For children with special needs, please contact the school’s administration the individual need for accommodation.
When will my child be required to wear a face-covering?
Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-51, all students, staff, and visitors are required to wear a face-covering any time they are on campus.
What is the facial covering procedure during lunch and outdoor activity?
During outdoor physical activity, students are not required to wear face coverings. Students will be socially distanced at lunchtime and will not require facial coverings during their time eating.
Is there a form or process to obtain an exemption to the Facial Covering policy?
The only allowable reason to not wear a face-covering is for a disability or medical condition that prevents one from wearing the face-covering.
What if a student refuses to wear a face-covering or repeatedly removes the face-covering despite the requirement to wear one?
Students are required to wear face-coverings when they are not social distancing.
What are the criteria for discontinuation of the facial covering policy?
The criteria will be based on county and state requirements in conjunction with guidance and advisement from the Administration and Governing Board.
Feeling Sick?
When should my student stay home or when will my student be sent home?
- Fever of 100.4 or higher
- New-onset cough or shortness of breath
- Muscle Aches/ chills
- Loss of sense of taste or smell
- Sore Throat
- Vomiting/diarrhea/nausea
- OR Someone at home who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is waiting for test results for COVID-19
- OR Been within 6 feet of someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 for 10 minutes or more
When can my student return to school after being sent home or being sick?
1. POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST*: May return after 10 days since positive test AND no fever for 24 hours (without the use of medication) AND other symptoms have resolved/improved.
2. NO COVID-19 TEST*: May return after 10 days since symptoms first appeared AND no fever for 24 hours (without the use of medication) AND other symptoms have improved OR doctor’s note indicates an alternative diagnosis.
3. NEGATIVE COVID-19 TEST*: No fever for 24 hours without medication AND all other symptoms have improved.
4. EXPOSURE TO COVID-19*: May return after 14 days if there are no symptoms. If symptoms develop will need to follow positive* Covid-19 protocol starting the day symptoms develop.
*These recommendations are current as of 8/25/2020. Recommendations are subject to change as the situation evolves. For more information, please visit Maricopa County Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Positive COVID-19 Cases
Are families obligated to report a family member who tests positive for COVID-19 to the school?
HIPAA guidelines do not require families to report positive COVID-19 cases to the school. However, we strongly encourage parents to communicate all confirmed cases and possible exposures to COVID-19.
What if a teacher or a student in my child’s classroom tests positive for COVID-19?
If we receive notice that a student or teacher has a positive test result, the whole classroom will be notified and we will notify the Maricopa Department of Health (MCDPH). We will then conduct an immediate investigation to identify any students and staff who may have been exposed. Exposure is classified as contact with an infectious person for 10 minutes or more, less than 6 feet away. Our teachers and staff are aware of the “close contact rule” and will be doing everything they can to maintain physical distancing and to minimize close contact. MCDPH has not at this time stated that one positive person in a classroom would indicate the need to quarantine a whole classroom – due to the “close contact rule”, however, each instance will be investigated and a determination will be made from there. Those determined to have been in “close contact” will be notified by both the Department of Health as well as ALP. Any notification you receive will provide clear information, and instructions if follow-up actions are required.
What will be the criteria for requiring classrooms or entire schools to close? How will student learning be delivered if an entire classroom or school is required to close?
School closures will be determined in conjunction with county and state health departments. Parents will be notified immediately, and a transitional-virtual learning environment will be provided for the mandated closure period.
Groups, Gatherings, and Campus Visitors
Will students gather for assemblies and school events?
No, not at this time.
Will student field trips still be allowed?
No, not at this time.
Will parents be able to volunteer and/or visit classrooms?
No, not at this time.
Will visitors have to wear facial coverings?