- Students may receive a school-provided laptop, if needed.
- Specials such as Art and P.E. will be offered online.
- Students must log on to the learning platform daily to be marked present, and students must complete assignments.
- Parents will have access to their student’s learning platform and a tutorial will be provided on how to do this. Parents can also reach out directly to teachers for support.
- Teachers will provide ongoing feedback, and school grading practices will be followed.
- A combination of self-guided and live learning will occur with a focus on mastery of academic and content standards.
- Parents are encouraged to actively participate in student learning to assist school with ensuring student participation and completion of courses.
- Teachers will place a focus on creating relationships and connections from the beginning of the school year.
- Teachers will undergo professional learning on increasing engagement in remote settings.
- Our reading specialist will be available to co-facilitate lessons and check-in with students who need extra support.
Student Expectations
- Log into the Google platform and complete assignments daily.
- Attend and engage in all virtual classes as well as small group and individual support sessions. Access recordings of live lessons if absent from a virtual class.
- Meet with your homeroom teacher once a month, at a minimum.
- Maintain a study schedule and prepare to spend at least the following amount of time working on your courses:
- 10-15 hours per week for Kindergarteners
- 20-25 hours per week for 1st through 6th graders
- Keep up with assignments, tests, and quizzes
- Communicate with your teacher and mentor regularly and whenever you have a problem
- Follow school technology expectations and guidelines.
- Try your absolute best!
Parent Expectations
- Create a supportive learning environment and provide resources for learning including:
- A suitable physical environment for learning, with space, and no interruptions.
- A regular schedule that includes logging in for learning every school day
- Enough rest and sleep
- Access to a laptop for online learning
- Communicate regularly with teachers(s) and school regarding the needs of your child:
- Collaborate with teachers to increase student motivation and engagement
- Reach out to school administrators with concerns or to request assistance.
- Keep up to date with how you can support your child’s learning.
- Communicate any barriers to participating in remote learning.
- Review the introductory materials for each class with your student.
- Be active in monitoring student progress.
- Take good care of school-provided devices.